Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wealth of info

I am learning that there is soooo much on the web, and I am beginning to organize certain relevant aspects on this site. I am also trying to create a website as well as learn how best to make this information available and accessible to community. hmmmmmm..... biofuels in Africa:sustainability or corporate colonialism at play, UF's platinum LEED certified stadium renovations, Green Drinks each 1st Wednesday of the month at Ti Amo, and our Local Food Challenge hosted by Hogtown Homegrown Newsletter, which is even more obvious to take part in when you see this slideshow on the top 12 vegetables with the most pesticides.

And some of the remains of our consumptive lifestyles floating at sea...

Next, i will work with subheadings to make scannability easier...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda! I'm in the Web Skills class with you, and our blogs seem to be pretty similar. Nice to "meet" you! Are you going to the Hogtown Local Challenge celebration on Sunday?
