Friday, January 8, 2010

Beyond REDD: climate change research and action in tropical countries

If you are interested in understanding or doing something about climate change, the professors involved in this class may be a good place to start.

possibilities for articulating climate change research and action in tropical
countries. (REDD+ Working Group—BOT 6935)
Researchers, academics and civil society members worldwide closely followed
COP-15 in Copenhagen in December with hopes for a legally binding agreement
for a concerted reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Although no such
agreement emerged, there appeared to be widespread acceptance of the
REDD+ concept (=reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
including enhancement of forest carbon stocks).
UF’s REDD-Working Group, which has been active since August 2008, will
continue this semester with an optional one credit seminar with the following
a. Maintain a critical eye on the continuing discussions that are
expected to result in a legally binding instrument to reduce emissions.
b. Stay updated on and critically evaluate advances with initiatives
such as REDD readiness and other mitigation activities.
c. Identify and discuss those elements that need to be part of the
process of adaptation to climate change, with emphasis on tropical countries.
d. Understand the roles researchers can play in enhancing adaptation
to climate change as well as in reducing emissions.
We will read current literature on these issues and try to maintain the vibrant
dynamics of the REDD Working Group.
If you are interested in participating, meeting times are Fridays at 11:45 for
one hour, Carr Hall, Room 221.You can register for one credit under BOT 6935
(REDD+ Working Group), Section 9329, or just attend for free.

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