Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Paynes Prairie Slideshow

1 comment:

  1. Nice slide show. I really love that place, it's so nice to have close to Gainesville. I've been there quite abit over the last few years, and have seen an awful lot of it. What's really nice is how it changes over the seasons, each visit is really a new experience. They have a couple of really great trails there. I've been on most of them, and there is always a lot to see. I've seen alligators (of course), deer, and wild horses. I still haven't seen any bison yet, which I hear is pretty rare, but would love to catch a glimpse of them. Paynes Prarie is also a pretty good place to camp. The normal camping is ok, but they have a primitive group site out on the Chalaca (I think) trail that's really great. Unfortunately I'll be out of town for the trip there in Feb., but I'm sure I'll make it out there at least a couple of times this semester.
