Monday, June 8, 2009


This is an excellent commentary on an article by Mother Jones, in which several prominent scholars speak to the issue of recycling.

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog to be particularly interesting. I have carried the "I'm doing something good by recycling this plastic water bottle" mentality for awhile. I'm pretty sure a lot of other people could relate to this article and will have to admit to carrying the same philosophy. Therefore, we should consider the other two R's of reducing and reusing. This blog made me realize that recycling is not the only fundamental activity in which a "eco-friendly" person should take part in. If an individual states that they are ,in fact, "eco-friendly, and only recycle without regards to the other "R's", I will classified them as partially "eco-friendly". Although I do agree with the article that recycling should be the last resort in regards to certain goods, I still believe that recycling is beneficial. People just need to incorporate the other two R's into their lives by considering other methods.So instead of recycling plastic or paper bags in which you get from the grocery store, you should reduce the usage of both of these materials by reusing cloth bags. Before you make that purchase of recyclable water bottles, you should consider maybe using a durable container or water bottle of some sort in which you can reuse. Little things let this can make a great impact on the environment. Yes, recycling is great, but as a society we need to realize that there is isn't one solution to our current ecological state. Instead it is just one part of the overall scheme to saving our planet.
